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Ein Artist am Trapez. Ein Artist am Trapez

Trapez & Hoop mit Nicirco Masterclass

Sa, 28. September 2024 | 10 bis 14 Uhr
ab 16 Jahren

Nicolas Stocco is a multidisciplinary circus artist from Argentina, who has been working as a coach and guiding pedagogical processes for more than 10 years. From teaching to kids and adults in vulnerable situations with social circus, to teaching future artists in professional circus schools like ACAPA, Codarts, EsactoLido and Carampa. Since young age he has practiced Eutony, a German technique of body awareness, as well as acrobatic and contemporary dance. Since 2020, he applied his methodology to an online format, coaching groups and private classes with amazing results.

The masterclass is aimed for practitioners of aerial disciplines that want to widen their knowledge and get new tools to strengthen their practice. In essence, we work with the development of body awareness in order to understand the
positioning and correct use of our center and our shoulder blades, fundamental pillars in aerial acrobatics.

With these foundations we will work on different families of movements, from swings and dynamic tricks to fluid phrasing and rolling passages. The goal is that each apprentice can take from it a different vision of how to develop specific movements and how to chain them to obtain sequences, always using the physical laws that operate in our body to obtain an economical body and not waste energy.

It will take place Saturday 28th September from 10hs till 14hs.

The Masterclass is intended for all levels, but a minimum practice in the discipline is needed, as well as a body prepared for aerial acrobatics. You should be able to straddle up or make pull-ups, as well as the basics of trapeze and hoop (how to sit, go to front and back balance, hold a straddle position)

Die Master Class wird in englischer Sprache gegeben.

60 Euro - Normal

Anmeldung ausschließlich über Nicolas Stocco: workshop.nicirco@gmail.com

Nicolas Stocco will forward you the inscription process. Die Anmeldebestätigung erhaltet ihr von Nicolas Stocco.

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LATIBUL | Zirkusgelände
An der Schanz 6
50735 Köln
0221 9957200

Eine Masterclass mit